Wednesday, 3 June 2015


1. Baby   New mammy, suddenly you are thrown into a whole new world with someone depending on you for everything, no training and yet you seem to be doing ok. Lack of sleep and yet you feel needed in a way like never before

2. Toddler Tantrums  Independence comes and every day they grow and life is all about boundaries and battles, they want to do things their way in their time and you learn the true art of patience.

3. Big School   From playschool through to the first day at Primary school Redundant Mammy learns how to let go like never before and yet is unproductive in her tasks as she thinks about her child in a different world without her. The child thrives and mammy frets, missing the time spent together.

4. Big Big School  The sight of her "baby" in a post primary school uniform is scary, they look so grown up and moving on so fast in their independent world. The redundant feeling is increased by the fact that said child is embarrassed by their mothers every word and act. Back to boundaries and tantrums, replaced by moods!

5. College   For all their time in Big Big School, Mammy encouraged and bribed their offspring to study and do well and get that place in college. The day that you leave them there you wish that you hadn't. The "empty nest" and Redundant Mammy feeling is overwhelming ...... until they arrive home at the weekend with their dirty washing!

Among all these stages are little moments and events, that make Redundant Mammy question if I am not "Mammy" who am I?  and what do I do next? Time to make that plan if you have not already done so. Theres a whole new world out there waiting on you! 

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